
Where do we start?

I decided to write a diary to vent my thoughts and research and realised that it may help other parents too so decided to publish it. I will write about my thoughts and feelings as well as any reviews on certain products that I have tried. Let me catch you up to speed. In the last 18 months I found out I was pregnant, moved area, my dad died, resigned from work, had a baby, moved area again, and got married. Let me tell you that it has been a real emotional rollercoaster to say the least. It is now June and my daughter is 10 months old. since she was born I have been struggling with a lot of different issues and fighting against them.  Being the first out of my close friends to have a baby has been very tough. All of their social events still involve going out to bars and clubs after what I would call bed time. I feel as though I have aged about 15 years. I used to think that this was a problem and that I was the one who was strange and made me feel as though I had had a b